Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021

Jesus und Mohammed: Gemeinsamer Friedensweg zum Propheten Jesaja

Vision des Propheten Jesaja in: 
Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni
(973 - nach 1050): (Chronology of Ancient Nations), Täbriz, Iran, 1307/8. Original in der Universitätsbibliothek Edinburgh

Auch der Islam bezieht sich auf den Propheten Jesaja (8. Jh. v. Chr.). In einer Vision erscheinen Mohammed und Jesus auf den Reittieren, die für sie typisch sind: Mohammed auf dem Kamel und Jesus auf dem Esel. Dies ist ein beeindruckendes muslimisches Zeugnis für einen Weg der Gemeinsamkeit, den Muslime und Christen miteinander gehen sollten und auch können.
Jesus and Mohammed on the road together -
Jesus und Mohammed gemeinsam auf dem Weg
"A beautiful miniature in a manuscript of Al-Biruni (973- after 1050), depict Jesus and Mohammed: Jesus rides there on a donkey and Mohammed on a camel. Muslims wanted to indicate with this image that not only the coming of Jesus, but also Muhammad's was prophesied by the prophets. 
‘Go, set a watchman,
let him announce what he sees,
When he sees riders, horsemen in pairs
riders on asses, riders on camels,
let him listen diligently,
very diligently.(Isaiah 21: 6, 7).

The prophet Isaiah explains the fall of Babel. Babylon's Imperial Power completely controlled the world opinion, dominated world politics, and had appropriated the world imagination. That demise of Babel is more that a historical, a cosmic event, denoting a revolutionary redefinition of the world. 

The military event is transformed by the prophet in a religious struggle in which the Babylonian "gods" of violence, money and lies be defeated and humiliated by the greater power of the Eternal. The defeat of Babel is a crucial example of God's capacity to nullify the power of evil in a non violent way. (Isaiah 21: 1-10)."

Prof. em. Dr. Anton Wessels, Freie Universität Amsterdam 

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