Freitag, 21. Dezember 2018

Remaking Indonesia - Kulturelle und spirituelle Möglichkeiten durch interreligiöse Begegnungen

Islamische Staatsuniversität Sunan Kalijaga
in Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesien
Die Islamische Staatsuniversität Palembang, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Center for Religion and Science der Islamischen Staatsuniversität Sunan Kalijaga in Yogyakarta (Java) lud zu einer internationalen Konferenz vom 9.-12. Oktober 2018 ein:


Dazu sollten Erfahrungsberichte und grundsätzliche Orientierungen nicht nur aus Indonesien und Südostasien, sondern auch aus dem Mittleren Osten und aus Europa eingebracht werden.
Im Einladungsschreiben hieß es dazu:"The conference participants are selected based on the necessity priorities of basic information on Religions/Islam and democracy in Indonesia. This aims at establishing inclusive and tolerant diversity pattern in Indonesia. Key issues discussed at the seminar are as follows. (a) Globalization, Multiculturalism and Democracy: Perspectives; (b) Globalization, Religion and Multiculturalism at western countries; (c) Globalization, Religion and Multiculturalism in Middle East; (d) Globalization, Religion and Multiculturalism experiences in Indonesia; (e) The role of Religion Communities in improvement of religious life in Indonesia." 

Die einzelnen Schwerpunkte kamen neben den Vollversammlungen in Seminaren unter verschiedenen Themen zur Sprache.
Im Rahmen seiner Vorstandstätigkeit bei "United Religions Initiative" (URI) der Niederlande wurde auch Drs. Ari van Buuren (Amsterdam) gebeten, im Rahmen des Seminars Spirituality in Healthcare Services and Education ausführlich den folgenden Themenbereich anzusprechen:  

Teaching Spirituality
 to Health Care Students and Professionals: 
What Should Be Taught and How to Evaluate?

Der Beitrag von Drs. Ari van Buuren in englischer Sprache: hier


Information zum Gesamtrahmen des Seminars


The technological advances of the past century tended to change the focus of medicine from a caring, service oriented model to a technological, cure-oriented model. Technology has led to phenomenal advances in medicine and has given us the ability to prolong life. However, in the past few decades physicians have attempted to balance their care by reclaiming medicine's more spiritual roots, recognizing that until modern times spirituality was often linked with health care. Spiritual or compassionate care involves serving the whole person—the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Such service is inherently a spiritual activity. Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, who has developed Commonweal retreats for people with cancer, described it well:
Helping, fixing, and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.
Serving patients may involve spending time with them, holding their hands, and talking about what is important to them. Patients value these experiences with their physicians. Therefore, it is important for all health-related educational institution to teach and train their students in spirituality. In the SKDI (Indonesian Standard of Physicians’ Competences), spirituality is one of the core competences under the Noble Professionalism competence. This workshop is intended to achieve the above goals.

Objectives: To increase awareness of spirituality services in health care stitution. To refine the existing spirituality education in health-related educational institution, in both undergraduate and postgraduate level. 

Participants: Hospital management and spiritual care (Academic Health System), Health-related educational institution (Medicine, Nursing, Public Health, etc).


09.00 – 09.15
Opening Ceremony
09.00 – 09.05
Director of Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities
Prof. Yati Soenarto
09.05 – 09.15
Sardjito Hospital
Dr. dr. Darwito, SH., SpB(Onk)
09.15 – 10.15
Spirituality in Health Care
Drs. Ari Van Buuren
10.15 – 10.30
Prof. Syafaatun Al Mirzannah
10.30 – 10.45
Morning Break

10.45 – 11.30
Teaching Spirituality to Health Care Students and Professionals: What Should Be Taught and How to Evaluate?
Drs. Ari Van Buuren
11.30 – 11.45
Moderator: Dr. Kusmaryanto
11.45 – 13.00

13.00 – 14.00
Strategy to Increase Spirituality in Healthcare Services and Teaching
Dr. Gamayanti, M.Si
Dr. dr. Probo Suseno, SpPD-KGer, FINASIM
14.00 – 15.00
Group Presentation and Feedback


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