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Apokalypse: Orthodoxes Fresko --- Osogovo Monastery, Republic of Macedonia (Wikipedia.en) |
Was ist Apokalyptik?
- Weltuntergangsvorstellung - Bericht im Focus vom 03.06.2015
- Weltgericht
- Jüngstes Gericht - Info der EKD
- Endzeitvorstellung - die letzte Zeit vor dem Weltuntergang (wikipedia)
- Endzeitvisionen
- Ende der Welt
- Letzte Dinge
- Krise
Auferstehung der Toten
- Verbindung zur (heilbringenden) Offenbarung
- Enthüllung
Jenseitsvorstellungen in den Religionen - Seminarmaterial: hier
- jüdische, christliche und islamische Apokalyptik
- Seelenwanderung
- Reinkarnation
Religionswissenschaftlicher Zugang
Buchempfehlung: Michael Tilly: Apokalyptik.
UTB Profile. Tübingen: A. Francke 2012 -
Griechischer Ursprung des Wortes:
vgl. Wissen.de
Zusammenstellung von Julia Bussmann aus einem Seminar an der TU Dortmund (SoSe 2018): Jenseitsvorstellungen in den Religionen
Valerie P. Zimbaro:
Encyclopedia of Apocalyptic Literature.
ABC-Clio Literary Companion.
Santa Barbara, CA et al.:
1996, 400 pp., index
ISBN 0-87436-823-5
ABC-Clio Literary Companion.
Santa Barbara, CA et al.:
1996, 400 pp., index
ISBN 0-87436-823-5
Titles featured in the text include
Absalom, Absalom!, Alas Babylon, Almanac of the Dead, As I Lay Dying, Black Rain, The Blithedale Romance, Brave New World, The Brothers Karamazov, Catʼs Cradle, The confidence Man, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurʼs Court, The Day of Doom, The Day of the Locust, The Divine Comedy, Doctor Faustus, Doktor Faustus, Fahrenheit 451, The Faerie Queene, Faust, Frankenstein, Giles Goat, Go Tell It on the Mountain, The Great Gatsby, Gravityʼs Rainbow, Heart of Darkness, Hiroshima, The Hollow Men, the Invisible Man, King Lear, Kill Hole, Lord of the Flies, Love in the Ruins, Miss Lonelyhearts, Moby Dick, Le Morte DʼArthur, The Mysterious Stranger, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nantucket, Native Son, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Origin of the Brunists, Out of the Silent Planet, Paradise Lost, Perelandra, The Second Coming, Siddhartha, Slaughter-House Five, The Tempest, Terra Nostra, The Thanatos Syndrome, That Hideous Strength, Things Fall Apart, The Waste Land, The Violent Bear It Away.
Absalom, Absalom!, Alas Babylon, Almanac of the Dead, As I Lay Dying, Black Rain, The Blithedale Romance, Brave New World, The Brothers Karamazov, Catʼs Cradle, The confidence Man, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurʼs Court, The Day of Doom, The Day of the Locust, The Divine Comedy, Doctor Faustus, Doktor Faustus, Fahrenheit 451, The Faerie Queene, Faust, Frankenstein, Giles Goat, Go Tell It on the Mountain, The Great Gatsby, Gravityʼs Rainbow, Heart of Darkness, Hiroshima, The Hollow Men, the Invisible Man, King Lear, Kill Hole, Lord of the Flies, Love in the Ruins, Miss Lonelyhearts, Moby Dick, Le Morte DʼArthur, The Mysterious Stranger, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nantucket, Native Son, One Hundred Years of Solitude, The Origin of the Brunists, Out of the Silent Planet, Paradise Lost, Perelandra, The Second Coming, Siddhartha, Slaughter-House Five, The Tempest, Terra Nostra, The Thanatos Syndrome, That Hideous Strength, Things Fall Apart, The Waste Land, The Violent Bear It Away.
TRANSLATED BY Henry Jansen, Lucy Hofland
Eugene, Oregon (USA): Wipf and Stock 2020, 340 pp.
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