Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2024

Reformdenker/innen im Islam - Philosophie und Theologie zwischen Tradition und Transformation (aktualisiert)

An Arabic illustration of Aristotle
 teaching a student, c.
(Foto: Artikel Averroes - wikipedia.en)

Islamische Philosophie und Theologie - Rationalität und Aufklärung >>>

Islamische Reformdenker/innen
A - Z
(mit ergänzenden Buchpräsentationen)

In Deutschland:

In den folgenden Büchern werden ebenfalls wichtige Reformer/innen dargestellt:

1. Malek Chebel: Changer l'Islam.
Dictionnaire des réformateurs musulmans des origines à nos jours.

Paris: Albin Michel 2013, 364 pp., table chronologique

2.  Charles Kurzman (ed.): Liberal Islam. A Sourcebook. 
New York / Oxfordf (UK): Oxford Univ. Press 1998, X, 340 pp., index
Es werden vorgestellt: 
  • Against Theocracy: Ali 'Abd al-Raziq, Muhammad Khalaf-Allah,
    Mahmud Taleqani, Muhammad Sa'id al'Ashmawi
  • Democracy: Muhammad Natsir, S.M. Zafar, Mehdi Bazargan,
    Dimasangcay A. Pundato, Rachid Ghannouchi, 
    Sadek J. Sulaiman
  • Rights of Women: Nazira Zein-ed-Din, Benazir Bhutto,
    Fatima Mernissi, Amina Wadud, Muhammad Shahrour
  • Rights of Non-Muslims: Hamayun Kabir, Chandra Muzaffar,
    Mohamed Talbi,
    Alic Bulac, Rusmir Mahmutcehajic
  • Freedom of Thought:  Ali Shari'ati, Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Mohamed Arkoun,
    Abdullah Ahmed An-Na'im, 
    Alhaji Adeleke Dirisu Ajijola, Abdul-Karim Soroush
  • Progress: Nurcholish Madjid, Mamdiou Dia, Fazlur Rahman, Shabbir Akhtar

3.  Katajun Amirpur: Reformislam
Der Kampf für Demokratie, Freiheit und Frauenrechte.

Beck‘sche Reihe 6075. München: C.H. Beck 2018, 3. Aufl. --- Besprechungen: hier

Es werden vorgestellt: Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, Fazlur Rahman, Amina Wadud, Asma Barlas, Abdolkarim Soroush und Mohammed Mojtahed Shabestari           

4.  Rachid Benzine:
 Les nouveaux penseurs de l'islam

Paris: Albin Michel 2004, 291 pp. 
Ausführliche Beschreibung von Henri Prévot: hier
Deutsche Ausgabe: 
Die neuen Denker
Aus dem Französischen
von Hadiya Gurtmann. 
Berlin: Verlag der Weltreligionen (Suhrkamp) 2012, 273 S.
Es werden vorgestellt:
Abdul Karim Soroush, Mohammed Arkoun,
Fazlur Rahman, Amin al-Khuli und
Muhammad Khalafallah, Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid,
Abdelmajid Charfi und Farid Esack.
5. Omid Safi (ed.): Progressive Muslims
on Justice, Gender and Pluralism. 
Oxford (UK): One World 2003, XI, 351 pp., index


Developed in response to the events of September 11 2001, these 14 articles from prominent Muslim thinkers offer a provocative reassessment of Islam's relationship with the modern world. Confronting issues such as racism, justice, sexuality and gender, this book reveals the real challenges faced by Muslims of both sexes in contemporary Western society.
A probing, frank, and intellectually refreshing testament to the capacity of Islam for renewal, change, and growth, these articles from fifteen Muslim scholars and activists address the challenging and complex issues that confront Muslims today. Avoiding fundamentalist and apologetic approaches, the book concentrates on the key areas of debate in progressive Islamic thought: "Contemporary Islam,"
"Gender Justice," and "Pluralism." Articles featured include:
>  Khaled Abou El Fadl on reclaiming the beautiful in Islam
>  Farid Esack on how to define "Progressive Islam" in the wake of September 11
>  Ebrahim Moosa on the debts and burdens of critical Islamic thought
>  Amina Wadud on issues of race and class in North American Muslim identity
With further contributions on subjects as diverse and controversial as the alienation of Muslim youth; Islamic law, marriage, and feminism; and the role of democracy in Islam, this volume will prove thought-provoking for all those interested in the challenges of justice and pluralism facing the Muslim world as it confronts
the twenty-first century

6. Abdou Filali-Ansary: Réformer l‘islam?
Une introduction aux débats contemporains.
Paris: La Découverte 2003, 284 pp.
Es werden vorgestellt:
Muhammad Ahamad Khlafallah, Jacqes Berque, Ernest Gellner, Maxime Rodinson,
Marshall Hodgson, Ali Abderraziq, Burhan Ghalioun, Mohammed Abed Jabri,
Aziz Al-Azmeh, Yadh Ben Achour, 
Mohamed Talbi,  Mohammed Chahrour,
Fazlur Rahman, Roy Mottahedeh, 
Mohamed Charfi und Abdelmajid Charfi

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